1. Applicability

These general terms and conditions of sale (hereinafter the "General Terms and Conditions") apply to all agreements concluded between BT Belgium B.V. with an office at Middenweg 8 bus 10, 3930 Hamont-Achel, Belgium (hereinafter the "Seller") and the Consumer. Consequently, the Seller only concludes agreements under current conditions to the exclusion of all other conditions. These conditions apply to both sales and installation of the sold goods. If the Consumer does not agree with certain conditions, he must inform the Seller of this within seven working days after receipt of the General Terms and Conditions. These conditions are irrefutably deemed to have been brought to the notice of the Consumer before the conclusion of the agreement. By ordering, the Consumer accepts these conditions.

2. Withdrawal Policy

The Consumer has the right to withdraw from the agreement without penalty and without giving any reason within 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the day following the delivery of the product. To make use of the right of withdrawal, the Consumer must inform the Seller about this by means of a clear statement by letter to BT Belgium B.V. Middenweg 8 box 10 in 3930 Hamont-Achel, Belgium or email to info@cemabearing.be. The Consumer shall immediately return the goods to the Seller within 14 (fourteen) calendar days after the date on which the Consumer informed the Seller about the withdrawal from the agreement. In the event of a return, the Consumer must send the goods in unopened packaging and in unused condition accompanied by a copy of the proof of purchase to the following address: BT Belgium B.V. Middenweg 8 box 10 at 3930 Hamont-Achel, Belgium. If the Consumer revokes the agreement, the Seller shall refund all payments received from the customer to the customer immediately and at the latest within fourteen (14) days after the date on which the Seller received the notice of cancellation of this agreement. For this refund, the Seller will use the same means of payment as the Consumer in the original transaction, unless expressly agreed otherwise with the Consumer; under no circumstances will the Seller charge the Consumer for this refund. The Seller may refuse the refund until the goods have been returned.

3. Quotations / offers

Offers and promotions of the Seller are not binding until they, after acceptance by the Consumer, are in turn confirmed by the Seller. Pictures, size and weight statements, etc., which the Seller provides in catalogues, website, advertising material or otherwise, are not binding for him and are only intended to give a representation of the offered article. Deviations in any form do not give the Consumer the right to refuse the goods, to omit payment or to claim compensation. An agreement is only final when the Seller has accepted the order in writing and the Consumer receives an order confirmation. After the agreement has been concluded, the Seller will not be able to unilaterally change the essential characteristics of the product or service for the Consumer. This also applies to the use that the Consumer envisaged, at least insofar as he communicated this to the Seller and the seller accepted this, or in the absence of such specification, the use was reasonably foreseeable.

4. Deliveries

The goods are sent at the risk and danger of the recipients, even if these are delivered carriage paid. Subject to the explicit and written agreement of the Seller, the goods will be delivered at the place of destination indicated in the Seller's order form. The time of delivery is determined by mutual agreement between the Seller and the Consumer. If the day of delivery cannot yet be precisely determined at the time of sale, an approximate period will be established, with the exact date subsequently being determined by mutual agreement. The Seller will only be obliged to deliver the ordered products on every working day between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. at the agreed delivery address. The Consumer guarantees appropriate reception and permanence on the agreed date. The Seller cannot unilaterally determine or change the delivery term. The number and condition of the products must be checked at the time of delivery. All visible defects must be reported to the seller. Accepting a shipment without written comments to the address of the seller counts as an irrefutable presumption that the delivered goods were free from visible defects. The Consumer will specifically mention any damage to the packaging. This provision does not affect the Consumer's rights with regard to the agreement as stipulated in art. 1649 bis et seq. BW.

5. Warranty

The Seller gives a warranty on his products for a period of 2 years. The warranty commences on the day of purchase and only applies to the first user of the product concerned. Warranty means: exchanging for the same product, repair or refund of the purchase price. The form of warranty is at the discretion of the Seller. The warranty becomes void if the product is installed, modified, or used in violation of the instructions or is used improperly or improperly. The warranty also lapses if the Seller is not informed of the defect of the product within 30 days after the defect was discovered. The Consumer acknowledges having been informed by the Seller of the necessity to have the installation of the products done only by skilled specialists. The warranty does not cover normal operational wear, destruction, damage or destruction of the product due to force majeure or environmental effects, or due to improper use. The granting of a guarantee does not lead to an extension or to the resumption of the guarantee period. The buyer is not entitled to claim a refund for the costs incurred in removing or reinstalling the product covered by the warranty. The Seller is not liable for accidental damage, indirect damage or consequential damage. If you have a warranty claim, please contact the Seller: BT Belgium B.V. Middenweg 8 bus 10, 3930 Hamont-Achel, Belgium. When the product is returned, it must be accompanied by a copy of a proof of purchase. The costs of the return shipment are for the account of the buyer. The costs of return to the buyer are for the account of the Seller. The risk during the transport of the relevant product from the buyer to the Seller and back is borne by the buyer. The Seller makes no guarantees as to the usability and suitability for a particular purpose of use or suitability for any other purpose. We are also not responsible for any other information about properties, descriptions or statements related to the product.

6. Prices

The indicated price is the total price to be paid by the Consumer, including the value added tax and the costs of all services that must be paid by the Consumer. However, this does not include: the transportation costs as well as the installation cost of the product.

De in de shop vermelde prijzen zijn berekend op basis van een Btw-tarief van 21%. Dit percentage kan verschillen naargelang het tarief dat in uw land van toepassing is. Wanneer u een account aanmaakt in de webshop en het juiste land selecteert, zullen de prijzen automatisch bijgewerkt worden.

7. Payment terms

Except for distance sales, all invoices of the Seller are cash and therefore immediately payable on the date of the invoice. In the event of non-payment, the Consumer will owe interest by operation of law and without prior notice of default, in proportion to the annual statutory interest rate from the due date and a compensation of 10% on the total invoice amount and with a minimum of EUR 100. Equivalent compensation will come to the Consumer if the seller fails to fulfill his obligations. In case of purchase, an invoice will be sent to the Consumer by e-mail. If no e-mail address has been provided, the invoice will be made available upon delivery or sent via traditional mail. Except for distance purchases and without prejudice to the option of requesting payment of a deposit, the Seller has the right to demand payment either prior to delivery or at the time of delivery. In the aforementioned cases, the seller is still entitled to unilaterally demand additional payment guarantees, advances or guarantees before delivery. If the Consumer renounces the conclusion of the agreement, the seller has the right to keep the amounts paid. However, the Consumer has the right to receive an equivalent amount of compensation from the seller if the seller renounces the conclusion of the agreement. The Seller expressly retains ownership of all delivered goods in this respect, even if these have been placed, until the day of full payment of principal, interest, compensation and costs. All movable property placed by the Seller is irrefutably deemed not to be permanently attached to the yard and therefore to be removable. Cross-border payment orders are only considered fulfilled if any additional transfer costs have been paid by the Consumer.

8. Termination

The Consumer and Seller are obliged to execute the agreement unless in case of force majeure. In the event of a breach of contract, one party owes the other a flat-rate fee equal to 10% of the total price. Force majeure exists in the case of, but not limited to, war, national or international conflicts, strike, lockout, lack of transport equipment or raw materials and fire. The execution of the agreement will be suspended in the event of continuous and uninterrupted force majeure for its duration. This for a maximum duration of six months. If the force majeure still exists after this period has expired, the agreement will be terminated by operation of law without one party owing any compensation to the other.

9. Invalidity

Should one of the clauses of the General Terms and Conditions be declared null and void, this invalidity will not affect the validity of the other clauses and the Seller and the Consumer will endeavour to immediately and in good faith negotiate a valid clause with the same economic effect. If a clause or a part of it would in any event be in conflict with any provision of mandatory law, the latter provision will automatically replace the conflicting provision.

10. Applicable law

The General Terms and Conditions and any agreement to which the General Terms and Conditions apply are governed by Belgian law. The competent court is appointed according to art. 624 of the Judicial Code. The legal language is the consumer's mother tongue. The parties undertake, under penalty of inadmissibility of instituting a claim with the exception of protective measures, to organize a meditation in advance with equally shared costs.

VAT: BE0810747081